On-the-job Training |
- I was provided with clear information regarding my on-the-job training (location, time, uniforms, what to bring, etc.).
- My manager was present on my first day of work?
- The trainer or Manager took me on a tour of the facility?
- During training, I was provided information about ADD COMPANY operations, the culture, and my job.
- During training, I was introduced to my co-workers?
- When I started, my workstation and/or office was set up and ready for me?
- When I started, I received a copy of my job description, and it was reviewed with me by management?
- The training I received in the 90-day period prepared me for my role?
- My manager is available to answer my questions in a timely manner?
- I have access to the material resources I need to do your work properly (equipment, supplies, etc.)?
- I have access to non-material resources I need to do my work properly (information, training, support, data, knowledge, etc.)?
- I feel supported by my manager(s)?
- I feel supported by my peers?