Employee Survey:
New-Hire Experience

Our goal is to provide a positive experience for you when you join [ADD COMPANY] and beyond, and we would like to have your feedback regarding your onboarding, orientation, and on-the-job training experience. We will use this information to improve our systems processes for future new hires.

Please complete the anonymous survey electronically by XX Date. The data provided will be aggregated and will be treated as confidential.

Using a scale of 1-5, with 5 being very satisfied and 1 being very dissatisfied, please select one response for each statement. Feel free to make comments under each question.

    Onboarding/HR Orientation

    Satisfied No
    Satisfied Very
    1. I was provided with clear information to prepare me for my first day at ADD COMPANY (location, time, what to bring, etc.).
    1. The orientation information was presented in an easy-to-understand format through email or meetings (virtual or in person).
    1. The person presenting the information was able to answer my questions during onboarding and orientation.
    1. Sufficient time was allotted for the HR orientation meeting including setting me up for the employee systems (Payroll, HRIS, etc.)
    1. Enough information was provided about employee benefits.
    1. Enough information was provided on key company policies.

  1. Did you contact HR after the orientation meeting with additional questions?
    Were your questions answered to your satisfaction?

  2. On-the-job Training

    Yes No Not
    1. I was provided with clear information regarding my on-the-job training (location, time, uniforms, what to bring, etc.).
    1. My manager was present on my first day of work?
    1. The trainer or Manager took me on a tour of the facility?
    1. During training, I was provided information about ADD COMPANY operations, the culture, and my job.
    1. During training, I was introduced to my co-workers?
    1. When I started, my workstation and/or office was set up and ready for me?
    1. When I started, I received a copy of my job description, and it was reviewed with me by management?
    1. The training I received in the 90-day period prepared me for my role?
    1. My manager is available to answer my questions in a timely manner?
    1. I have access to the material resources I need to do your work properly (equipment, supplies, etc.)?
    1. I have access to non-material resources I need to do my work properly (information, training, support, data, knowledge, etc.)?
    1. I feel supported by my manager(s)?
    1. I feel supported by my peers?

  3. Did you contact your Trainer or your Manager after the training with additional questions?
    Were your questions answered to your satisfaction?

  4. What was your overall impression of your recruitment, onboarding, orientation, and training experience?

  5. Are there any topics you feel would be beneficial for new team members to hear about during the onboarding or orientation that weren't covered?

  6. Are there any topics you feel would be beneficial for new team members to hear about during the training that weren’t covered during your orientation?

  7. Do you have any further questions that were not answered during your onboarding, orientation, or training?

  8. Is there anything you think we should consider changing about or adding to the onboarding, orientation or training process that would contribute positively to a new hire’s experience?

  9. Would you recommend ADD COMPANY as a good place to work?

    If yes, why?

  10. Name:
    Date of Hire:

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